getting started

is investing in websites right for you

Is investing in websites right for you? [2023]

Can you invest in a website? Absolutely.  Medium- to long-term investing in websites is an excellent option for people who are looking for alternatives to traditional investments, such as equities and real estate.  Websites have a lot of advantages over…

how much can you make investing in websites

How much can you make investing in websites? [2023]

How much can you make investing in websites? In the past, there has been the misconception that you can’t make much money this way. But that’s wrong. Website investors span a huge range. Some make millions of dollars per month,…

website due diligence roadmap

Website due diligence: a primer [2023]

Ready to buy a website but don’t know how to do the necessary due diligence? I’ve written this article to introduce you to the website due diligence process, so you can do basic due diligence research. Introduction If you’re a…

website valuation

Website valuation: a primer [2023]

To get into the business of website investing, you need to know how to determine a site’s value. Whether you want to make an offer to purchase a site or set a price to sell your site, you’ll need to…

how to buy a website

How to buy a website: a primer [2023]

Wondering how to buy a website? In this era of remote working, the lure of making money online is a strong one. Almost everyone considers the idea of starting a blog or building a website. But growing a website is…