buy a website

is flipping a website a good way to make money

Is flipping websites a good way to make money? [2023]

There are two main strategies for website buyers: longer-term investing in websites and short-term flipping websites. Investing in websites means buying the website and holding it, continuously earning a monthly income while holding on to the website asset. Flipping websites…

how to transfer a website after buying

How to transfer a website after buying

If you’re considering buying a website, probably one of the last things on your mind is how you will transfer it, since due diligence, valuation, and risk analysis are more pressing. Nevertheless, a transfer plan is important, since a misstep…

can free websites make money

Can free websites make money? [2023]

Can free websites make money? Absolutely! It’s very common for a free website to make thousands of dollars or more a month. In fact, there’s a whole industry based on this. There are several ways in which free websites can…

what to watch out for when buying a website on flippa

Things to be careful of when buying a website on [2023]

Considering buying a website on Flippa? If you decide to get into the business of website investing, and aren’t working with a reputable broker or partner, it’s important to be careful. This is especially true if you’re trying to get…

website due diligence roadmap

Website due diligence: a primer [2023]

Ready to buy a website but don’t know how to do the necessary due diligence? I’ve written this article to introduce you to the website due diligence process, so you can do basic due diligence research. Introduction If you’re a…

website valuation

Website valuation: a primer [2023]

To get into the business of website investing, you need to know how to determine a site’s value. Whether you want to make an offer to purchase a site or set a price to sell your site, you’ll need to…